AV Linux Base 23.5 “Greatest Hits” Released!

A ‘parallel release’ (not a full release update) of AV Linux MX Edition has been released. This ISO aims to provide a stripped down ‘Base’ version of AVL with the following goals:

  • Provide a smaller easier download for people who don’t want every Multimedia App under the sun.
  • Provide a more basic daily driver of MX Linux with an Enlightenment DE while retaining the Content Creation focus.
  • Try some new development ideas and refinements and provide a template for future 25.X releases.
  • Provide a version without Commercial software and demos.
  • Present one proven and mature Application for each type of Content Production.
  • Open possibilities for Users to easier install other Desktop Environments if wanted.



Systemd init on the live session and subsequent installs. Although I personally am ambivalent and apolitical about Linux init systems it is a fact that Enlightenment Desktop Environment is designed, developed and deployed with systemd in mind. This also fixes a long standing bug with lightDM displaying as fully dimmed and not visible in a fresh install.

A complete under the hood re-organization of the Customizations and Utilities into smaller modular Packages to debulk and facilitate adding and removing more optional components. Things like extra Enlightenment Themes, EDJ Desktop backgrounds, File Manager Actions, Custom system Icons are now broken into individual components instead of one huge honkin’ overlay Package.

Streamlined File Manager workflow with the newly added Enlightenment “Places” module, this enables Thunar to be the dominant File Manager of the system with less overlap with Enlightenment’s EFM File Manager especially when handling removable media.

File Manager Custom Actions extensions are now File-Manager agnostic and not limited to only being used in Thunar. These Actions appear as ‘Open With’ context menu options tuned by mimetype. There are dozens of Actions for multimedia tasks and System Administration.

A refurbished CPU Frequency utility to set and change the CPU governor for a Desktop session.

Customized MX Installer that no longer offers to save the Live session settings to an install (the option never worked with Enlightenment anyway).

A choice of three Desktop Conky setups with a small and simple Editor frontend.

An alternate set of Custom systray Icons for the MX-Updater to fix the color issues with the stock MX Icons in Enlightenment’s systray.

Three harmonized ‘Skeuos’ GTK3 Themes and Enlightenment Color palettes to provide a choice of two dark and one light theme with assets that match across E, GTK and QT Applications. Complementing Papirus Icon themes are also included.

A modified default Enlightenment theme with iBar Icon animations turned off, AVL branding and a much less jarring sound at Login.

A new tool to clean and rebuild the ‘efreet’ Icon cache in the rare event that the selected Icon theme does not properly appear at Login.


KNOWN ISSUES *Please Read!

The initial setup of Enlightenment configuration on Live boot Login takes several seconds, this has no bearing on the operating speed or resource consumption of the system in general. Once installed Login to Desktop speeds are normal.

The warning message about efreet cache is harmless.

After installing Enlightenment will load it’s default ‘Enlightenment-X’ Icon theme, you will need to re-select your desired Icon theme from the Settings–>Look–>Application Theme–>Icons tab.

There is a general update for Enlightenment in the optional MX Test Repo but it is NOT recommended at this time. It will uninstall some AVL components and will break the new ‘Places’ module, please wait for further testing/fixing on this. A forum announcement will confirm when things are fixed..



Alternate MX-Updater Icons.


New ‘Places’ Module on main shelf, click on it to mount and eject removable media or open drive locations in Thunar.


Text-searchable menu is now accessed by hitting Windows+m Key.

Refurbished CPU Governor Utility.

‘File Manager agnostic “Open With” Custom Actions.

New Conkys and Editor.

Skeuos GTK Themes.



A heartfelt shout out to the MX Linux development team for their generosity and help with this release, especially dolphin_oracle, fehlix, Melber, Stevo, timkb4cq, m_pav and ceeslans. Incredible folks in an incredible organization! Thanks and appreciation is also due to Carsten Haitzler (the main Enlightenment developer). Thanks also to the subscribers and donators to AVL, you are rare gems and your generosity is very much appreciated!



The ISO with accompanying MD5, SHA256 and GPG Signatures can be found here



Please discuss issues on the MX Linux forum in the Respins section and indicate you are using AV Linux.